Our blog posts this month are based on the phrase "Start HERE." They will all have relational components, but by the limiting parameter of something with utmost priority.
By Lavern Nissley Encompass Executive Director Ronda and I have found a new recreational/exercise love. If you know us from previous statements made on this topic, you'll recall we love bicycling, hiking, cross country skiing, and playing racquetball. Any guesses on what our new love is?
Encompass Executive Director Lavern Nissley shared this 23-minute SOUL Talk presentation on "The Good: Investing in Healthy Families and Relationships" at The Nehemiah Foundation's annual Case for Community Summit September 8, 2023.
You may want to download a number of items he refers to in the presentation: The September theme for our social media and blog posts is devotion/faith. As always, there will be relationship health connections in terms of insights, tips, and tools.
By Lavern Nissley Executive Director of Encompass Would you agree that family is the primary means of transmitting faith to the next generation? It certainly seems clear from a familiar scripture in the Jewish Torah known as the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” So how is that done in our setting, some 3,500 years later? Is anyone actually writing stuff on doorframes and wearing headbands with faith messages? By Encompass Outreach Group When couples need relationship help, the most common reaction is to seek out a marriage counselor. Marriage counselors have become the go-to source for dealing with issues within a marriage, but there is another alternative for couples looking to get relationship help: marriage coaching. We’re here to discuss what marriage coaching is and explain how it differs from marriage counseling.
By Lavern Nissley
I've never been a fan of the saying, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". Ronda and I have talked about it, and we both have found it somewhat derogatory and sexist. A 14 year research study in the UK took a look at this hypothesis and came up with some pretty interesting results. And some compelling implications. By Lavern Nissley
When I typed the title of this blog post a few seconds ago, my computer put a red line under the word "phub". Meaning it's not a word it recognizes. Until last week I had never heard of it either. By the time you've read through this post you'll know it's definition as well as how not to do it. By Lavern Nissley
The "Send her back" chant that erupted at President Trump's rally in North Carolina last week touched nerves everywhere. It singled out a congresswoman from Minnesota, an immigrant from Somalia and US citizen. Her views have been particularly troubling to conservatives as well as to some colleagues in her own party. The ping pong match of acerbic tweets and public comments between Trump and "The Squad" of four congresswomen (close allies of the chant target) seemed to boil over into newscasts, social media discussions and private conversations. Maybe that's why we had such hot weather in most of the USA last week? What can we learn from such intense political polarization and flame-throwing that could help us in our couple, family and organizational relationships? By Lavern Nissley
If you have children, or are planning to have children, what would you say is your one word job description as a parent? It could fit into the blank in this sentence: "I believe my parenting job description is to __________." By Lavern Nissley
Whenever two or more people come together for any purpose, goal or objective, there is potential for things going horribly wrong or incredibly well, with plenty of intermediate options. Most of us have experienced both ends of this social emotionally laden continuum. What is it that influences one outcome or the other? Mathematician and relationship researcher John Gottman has developed 4 predictors of marriage failure and 4 predictors of marriage success based upon his observation of hundreds of couples. Want to know what they are? By Lavern Nissley
If I were to tell you that there is a simple, 5 minute daily habit that has been shown to increase the chances of marriage success to over 99%, would you want to know what it is? Would you be interested in trying it out? Ronda and I came across this secret during a marriage workshop in March, 1990. It changed the trajectory of our own marriage, likely saving it. And we love to share this potent secret with others. |
HostsDr. David Marine and Theresa Mabry are Co-Directors of Encompass since June 1, 2024. TOPICS
September 2024