Our blog posts in June will focus on reflections surrounding fathers, fatherhood, and their influence in our lives.
By Dr. David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Times were not always good with my father, and I wanted things to be different for my children. Before I met my wife, Theresa, I was determined to be the best father I could be. I knew I wouldn't be perfect, but I knew I could be intentional. This intentionality made all the difference. Here are the actions and attitudes I worked on to be the best father I could be.
Our blog posts in June will focus on reflections surrounding fathers, fatherhood, and their influence in our lives.
By Lavern Nissley Relationship facilitator My Dad died November 12, 2021. His birthday is coming up the end of this week, June 8. And Father's Day is about a week later. Although Dad was one of the most challenging relationships in my life given his patterns of anger, agitation, and anxiety, I also have more positive memories. Here is a heartfelt letter to my Dad, David Nissley. By: Joe Kowalski
Owner/CEO Empowered Community Services Most everyone can remember the panic, sudden jolt, and jarring pain of hitting the ground after their friend jumped off the teeter totter when we were kids. Or that time when you were in a hurry to get home with the groceries. You’re late, it’s raining, and instead of making three trips into the house with the groceries in the rain, you try to carry all 37 bags at one time, only to slip on the pavement sending a week’s worth of groceries all over the garage floor. What about this one? You are up against a deadline at work, going on 4 hours of sleep and you get a call at 5:30p from your spouse demanding “where are you?” With everything going on, you forgot to update your calendar with the kids’ recital that you are now going to miss. These lessons on gravity, imbalance, and regret are hard to forget. Unbalanced objects, whether they be playground equipment, people, or the expectations of others, will always fall. My wife and I have four children (3 high schoolers still at home,) a new grandson, 3 dogs, and I run my own small business. The demands on my time are many and balance becomes more and more difficult to maintain. By my own admission, I have a lot of work to do when it comes to balance in my life, but the following are a few pieces of advice I’ve come to cherish on this exceedingly difficult subject. Ronda is the little girl sitting on her Daddy's lap. By: Ronda Nissley
Encompass Co-Director A year ago, I gifted my 92-year-old father a Storyworth subscription for Father’s Day. Each week, he was given a question to which he could respond or simply write his own story. Although we’re still working on completing and editing the stories into their final format, I’m sharing one that has given me a renewed appreciation of the huge responsibility he carried providing for a family of nine children. Our posts during June will feature the themes of Fathers, Father's Day, Leaders/Leadership.
By Lavern Nissley Encompass Executive Director My Dad would have turned 90 tomorrow, June 8. Although much of my experience of him as a father included spillovers from his own unhealed and unresolved childhood (anger, anxiety, agitation), I still miss him and acknowledge positive takeaways from his life. He passed November 12, 2021 and is buried in Arcola, Illinois at the Sunnyside Mennonite Church cemetery. Mom was buried in the same plot earlier this year after her death March 6. Some of the content you'll see in this post is drawn from A Tribute to Our Dad that Ken, Karen, and I shared at his funeral. But his legacy and impact are anything but buried. In some quirky and interesting ways they live on both in and through me. |
HostsDr. David Marine and Theresa Mabry are Co-Directors of Encompass since June 1, 2024. TOPICS
January 2025