By Lavern Nissley
Encompass Relationship Facilitator The holidays can be tough on relationships. We know because of the usual uptick in calls for help in January! You've been together with family and friends which provides a lot more time and space for conversations than usual. Tangible gifts are given and received. And some are later returned. What are some gifts we could give that are precious, priceless, and premeditated to strengthen and deepen relationships?
By Dr David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Devotionals to Deepen Your Love and Faith This Christmas
As the Christmas season approaches, we’re reminded of the many gifts we’ve received—both tangible and intangible. One of the most meaningful gifts we can nurture and give in return is the gift of healthy relationships. Whether you’re dating, engaged, or married, cultivating a relationship rooted in love, faith, and connection is truly one of life’s greatest blessings. By Dr David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Marriage is a beautiful journey, but like all relationships, it has its ups and downs. The good news is that you have the power to shape the quality of your relationship. By making intentional choices and focusing on the things that bring you closer as a couple, you can create a stronger, happier, and more peaceful marriage.
By Theresa Mabry Encompass Director of Operations Picture this: You’re on your way home after a long day of work, thinking, “I can’t wait to take off these shoes, grab a bite to eat, and have a relaxing evening.” But when you walk in the door, your spouse says, “I assumed you’d want to go out with friends tonight, so I made plans!” Suddenly, your vision of a quiet evening clashes with your partner’s expectation of a fun night out.
It’s a common scenario, and it all comes down to one word: expectations. In any relationship, expectations can be a powerful force. When shared and understood, they help create a strong foundation. However, when misaligned or unrealistic, they can lead to confusion, disappointment, and conflict. By Abby Glaser Encompass Community Advocate (This is a "rerun" of a post we shared in 2019!)
I was listening to a podcast recently where the guest shared something called the “10-7-5 Rule”. The gist of it is that each person has ten defining moments, seven critical choices and five pivotal people who impact who they are. Defining moments, both positive and negative, are events who have changed or redefined who we are. Many of those are situations out of our control and our response to them is what changes us. Critical choices, also positive or negative, have affected our life up until today and set the path for our future. We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.”. There are few places that is more apparent than in our intimate relationships. We may be able to talk a good game to acquaintances or on social media, but our closest loved ones are the ones who know whether we live those words out! This is why it’s so important in romantic relationships to not only be saying loving words to our partner but for our actions to back it up. Let’s look at a few practical ways this can happen!
By: Abby Glaser
Encompass Community Advocate This month our theme at Encompass is “start here!” This month is also Human Trafficking Awareness month! Considering that, I’d love to take a few moments to give you some info on human trafficking. I’ve worked with trafficking survivors for over 20 years now and serve on the Miami Valley Human Trafficking Coalition, so this issue is near to my heart. While the topic has gained more attention in the past few years, a lot of information floating around is often false. So, let’s start with a brief understanding of what human trafficking is. By: Abby Glaser
Encompass Community Advocate As we continue to dive into our topic this month, "New," I would love to explore some ways that old relationships may have something new! I’ve had some experience with this recently regarding a Christmas gift I purchased for my Mom. If we’re talking about relationships, there are none “older” than the ones with our parents! I’m sure if asked, I may have said in the past that I know everything there is to know about my Mom. I’ve discovered recently how untrue that is! For Christmas this year I bought my mom a subscription to a platform that facilitates her sharing all kinds of memories from her life in one place. At the end of the year it puts all of those stories together into a bound book about her life, for us to share! You may remember Lavern talking about his book in a prior blog post, A Powerful Present of Presence. By: Cindee Johnson Encompass Relationship Coach Orange barrels. No trespassing. Yield. Under construction. Do not enter. Danger. No outlet. Stop. Do you ignore these cautionary signs? Hopefully not! They are meant to protect you. Do you know there are cautionary signs for our relationships, too? Although these aren’t posted quite so clearly along life’s journey, they can become glaring warnings, especially in communication and conflict. As the 5 Man Electrical Band sang in 1970, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.” But... what are the signs? How do we identify them? Where do we get help in understanding them? Relationship researcher John Gottman has identified“ Four horsemen” seeking to destroy marriages. They ride in with signs we can’t afford to ignore. Gorman describes the four like this: By Jeremy Hudson, guest blogger
Jeremy is campus pastor of Fellowship Spring Hill in Springfield OH and CEO/Founder/Owner at Red Chair Leadership “Jeremy, asking questions makes you look smart!” I can hear those words ringing in my ears like they were said yesterday, not the twenty years ago when my dad said them to me. He was gently yet firmly challenging a blindspot that was cropping up in my leadership abilities. I was under the impression that to be the leader on a team or in an organization meant you had knew better than everyone else what needed to be done and how. At that point in my youth, I was carrying myself like I was the smartest guy in any room I walked into. When presented with a problem, the absolute worst thing I could imagine saying in response was “I don’t know.” So, instead of digging into and learning about what was going on, I would make something up. Even if it was wrong. Because leaders are supposed to know things. After all, that was why you are the leader, right? |
HostsDr. David Marine and Theresa Mabry are Co-Directors of Encompass since June 1, 2024. TOPICS
February 2025