By Encompass Outreach Group Every relationship has difficulties like arguments, disagreements, and fights. Marriage is no different. When conflict arises in a marriage, the most important thing to remember is that the conflict is not the problem. How you deal with the conflict is the real issue, because you can either resolve it or magnify it. Here are some tips for resolving conflict in marriage.
By Malcolm & Kristen Davis How many times have you messed up in relationships and wanted to just shut down and shut off? What do you do when you are working hard, and things are going well, and you mess it up? How we respond or react will change everything.
By Jenny Hamilton Long lasting marriages are inspiring! You may have heard of the recent death of Britain’s 99 year-old Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth II for 73 years. Can you imagine all the complex issues and situations that have to be dealt with in the life of a royal, and all the possible effects it could have on a marriage? It must have been quite a feat for Philip and Elizabeth to maintain a healthy marriage through all those years in the public eye. Luckily for most of us our lives are much simpler.
But royal marriage or not, it seems that most marriages progress through common stages. Being aware of these stages can give comfort that you’re not alone in your marital struggles, prepare you for the changes and challenges ahead, and give confidence that though there are difficulties, your marriage can ultimately end with the same golden completion as Philip and Elizabeth’s. So, if you’re just starting out in your marriage or 10-20 years in, here’s a quick rundown of …the 7 Stages of Marriage. By Kermit Rowe A recent daily email for married couples from legendary marriage ministry FamilyLife called “I Do Every Day” posed a question that caught my attention. It asked: “How good are you at listening to your spouse?”
Huh? (just kidding, LOL) Seriously, if we’re honest, most of us would answer that question by grading how good we think we are at listening to our other half. And our answer would probably be more favorable than the actual truth. The truth is that listening to our spouse is hard work, and the more we put into it the more we will get back. Getting in the way is our overbearing desire to be heard, to a point where it drowns out what our spouse is saying while we are focused on formulating what we are going to say next. The fix? The power of the extra question! |
HostsDr. David Marine and Theresa Mabry are Co-Directors of Encompass since June 1, 2024. TOPICS
February 2025