By Theresa Mabry Encompass Director of Operations Want a healthier family? And we are not talking about food! Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging roles anyone can take on. It's a journey full of growth, learning, and love, but also fraught with difficult moments, stress, and conflict. That's why having a supportive framework can be a game-changer for both parents and children. Our program, Parenting for Kids’ Sake, is designed to help families experience growth in their parenting abilities by strengthening practical, time-tested skills.
By Dr David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Building a healthy and lasting relationship is one of life’s greatest joys—but let’s be honest, it’s not always easy. Whether you’re feeling disconnected, navigating a tricky season, or simply wanting to grow closer, the RINGS program at the Encompass Connection Center is here to help.
By Lavern Nissley
Encompass Relationship Facilitator The holidays can be tough on relationships. We know because of the usual uptick in calls for help in January! You've been together with family and friends which provides a lot more time and space for conversations than usual. Tangible gifts are given and received. And some are later returned. What are some gifts we could give that are precious, priceless, and premeditated to strengthen and deepen relationships? By Cindee Johnson Relationship Champion and Encompass Partner It’s that time of year when our thoughts turn to roast turkey and baked ham, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, stuffing, deviled eggs, sweet potato casserole, macaroni and cheese, pecan pie, fresh dinner rolls, and…family. Ahhhh, the family. We gather together with family giving thanks with grateful hearts. Or do we?
Do we give thanks with grateful hearts? And, does it really matter? Turns out, it does. In fact, it matters a lot. By Abby Glaser Encompass Community Advocate Often in our office, we see couples who should have come to us much sooner! By the time they step through our door, their relationship is on the verge of total disaster. On average, couples in crisis wait far longer than they should to reach out for help. So how do you know when you should? Let’s look at three signs to keep an eye out for!
By Dr David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Marriage is a beautiful journey, but like all relationships, it has its ups and downs. The good news is that you have the power to shape the quality of your relationship. By making intentional choices and focusing on the things that bring you closer as a couple, you can create a stronger, happier, and more peaceful marriage.
By Abby Glaser Encompass Community Advocate (This is a "rerun" of a post we shared in 2019!)
I was listening to a podcast recently where the guest shared something called the “10-7-5 Rule”. The gist of it is that each person has ten defining moments, seven critical choices and five pivotal people who impact who they are. Defining moments, both positive and negative, are events who have changed or redefined who we are. Many of those are situations out of our control and our response to them is what changes us. Critical choices, also positive or negative, have affected our life up until today and set the path for our future. By Theresa Mabry Encompass Director of Operations We’ve all seen those annoying clickbait ads that pop up when you’re browsing online: “Improve your marriage in just 6 hours a week!“ “Lose 40 pounds by Friday!” “Florida Man Finds 20-Foot Crocodile in his Basement!” But don’t dismiss us too fast. Encompass Connection Center really can help you with one of those things. We’ll let you guess which one...
By Dr. David Marine Mabry Encompass Executive Director Are you and your partner compatible? We define compatibility as two people sharing like-mindedness and a friendship with one another through all challenges and all the blessings of your relationship while maximizing who each of you may be. “Free to be you and free to me” while working as one. It’s important to be compatible with your spouse so you can work together as a team in all areas of life. With greater compatibility, you will have a greater impact on the world around you. You will experience greater happiness and satisfaction. You will be strengthened in your relationship to push through together when inevitable conflicts and challenges arise.
By Kermit Rowe
Encompass Relationship Facilitator This month’s blog theme is “more than words.” So let’s take those three words and put them at the end of the following sentence to “explore the more” of a time-tested relational truth: Communication is more than words. How do we communicate besides talking? Well, we should know because we certainly do it a lot. A Psychology Today article famously reported that only seven percent of our communication happens through words. That means 93 percent of your intended message is left up to tone and non-verbal cues. Other estimated percentages may vary a bit, but one thing is clear: When it comes to communicating in relationships, it’s more than words can say. |
HostsDr. David Marine and Theresa Mabry are Co-Directors of Encompass since June 1, 2024. TOPICS
February 2025