By Tessa Stump We’ve all been there. It’s 3 o’clock. You’re sitting in the office, and that turkey sandwich you had for lunch has long since worn off. Your tummy is grumblier than Winnie the Pooh without his honeypot. Then you see it…the vending machine. And inside that giant metal box of empty calories is the Pop Tart. Normally you would never go for that Pop Tart. It’s just not good for you. It’s full of sugar and artificial flavors, it has no substantial energy source, and let’s face it – they don’t even taste that good. So, why do you want that Pop Tart so bad? The answer is simple, and it has nothing to do with the Pop Tart and everything to do with your circumstances. You are hungry and you’ve forgotten about the delicious dinner you have planned for later. Your circumstances have clouded your view and changed your desires. I spent two summers doing “long distance” with my now husband. While we powered through the second summer, I am less than proud of the first one. My friend used to call it sailor vision. It was the idea that when a person is separated from the one they love for a long period of time, they start to become attracted to anyone they feel close to. We become so lonely and desperate for that meaningful connection, that people we do not belong with start to look pretty attractive. We begin to be drawn to people that are at best - a poor match for us, and at worst - a toxic addition to our lives.
So how do you keep yourself from getting sailor vision?
All this said, that Pop Tart might not be as bad as we first thought, but it’s just not right for you. Because you have dinner plans. This article was originally published on
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